Thursday, August 30, 2007

Made it in one piece

So, I made it! I'm in Germany! And fortunately, Stefan showed me how to change the keyboard from German to English, so I don't have to type Zs where my Ys would be. (Especially annoying: where is the @ sign on a German keyboard?)

Fortunately none of my flights were delayed. I left JFK at 5:40 (after sitting in the airport for about 4 hours) and got into Dublin at 5:10 AM. Left for Munich at 7:10 AM and arrived at 10:45 (yet another time change). Stefan and Dominick were waiting at the airport for me, but for some reason the baggage claim was inside the security area instead of outside. It was like that in Dublin, too. I guess it's some European thing? Also, security in Ireland is not the strict. I only had to show them my boarding pass to get through the security check point.

Anyway, I'm here. My room is in the basement, but it is FREEZING down here! It's actually not bad outside, maybe 75 or 80 degrees, but I'm wearing pants and a sweatshirt down here and still cold! I'm too tired to actually take pictures and post them, so I'll do that later. It's nice though--I have my own TV and computer and my own bathroom. And other aupairs have left stuff through the years, like books and maps and ski pants. It's so weird that this is going to be my room for 11 months.

Well, one good thing is I can tell that my German is really going to improve. I was doing pretty well earlier, but I've gotten really tired over the past few hours and I'm having trouble concentrating when they talk, which I have to do constantly to be able to understand what they're saying. Esp. the little kids. Dominick isn't too bad (he's 6), but Johanna (she's 3) I can only understand when she speaks very slowly and says only a few words at a time. Hopefully tomorrow will be better when I'm more awake.

Oh yeah: I asked if there are any other aupairs in the town, but there aren't. Which kinda sucks. But Stefan said there's other girls my age and if I go to the aerobics classes I'll prob meet some of them.

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