Monday, May 5, 2008

Looks like I'm way behind on the posting.

Last week was nuts. I was alone with the kids from Wednesday afternoon until Saturday morning, while S&S were in Barcelona. Luckily the weather was really nice (excluding several heavy rain showers), they went to friends' houses, and friends came to us. We had a good time all around, although I wouldn't say that my favorite part was the getting woken up at 6:30 every morning.

On Saturday and Sunday I was completely alone...which was niiice. I baked a cake Sat. afternoon to take to Gegenwind with me. I found a recipe online, because I wanted to make something typically "American" (I've never seen any cakes here that are like the ones people typically have at home). It came out well and everyone seemed to like it. I'm pretty proud of myself for actually making a cake from scratch. I think the last (and first) time I did that was 7th grade.

In other news: I have done a ton of trampoline-jumping. Johanna is a bouncing machine. Every time I'm alone with her, or even just have her in the afternoon, we jump on the trampoline. I'm getting a lot better too; I can actually jump for more than 10 minutes without getting tired! The downside: jumping always makes me have to pee, even if I went just before going outside.

Jonathan's coming tomorrow! I'm really excited! Hopefully he'll make it to Heidenheim by 11 so that we can take the bus back together. If not...he'll somehow have to make his way to Heuchlingen on the bus and then to my house, on his own. This really is quite a challenge. The stops are only listed in German (obviously), and I would say about 50% of the time does the bus driver actually press the button to move the stops along showing what the next stop will be. It was hard enough the first time for me, and I speak German and know what Heuchlingen looks like!

Then Friday, we're going to London together, where we'll be until Monday night. I then go on to Belfast, and Jonathan goes back to the US. After I get back from London, I'm going to Paris a few days after that, then the week after that I'm going to Prague. I still have several trips to get in, including one to Wittenberg for Luthers Hochzeit. Hopefully I'll be able to fit everything in.

Oh yeah, and my birthday's on Thursday! Send me potato chips!

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