Monday, September 17, 2007


OK, before I write any more posts, I really need to address the most appalling thing I have seen so far in Germany: the unfortunate appearance of the rattail. Every time I see a rattail on another little boy, a little piece of me dies inside. Rattails aren't cool. They never were. They never will be. I feel this is a trend that we as a global society need to stamp out. Forget global warming, forget abortion, forget Iraq: we need to focus all of our resources on this, our most pressing matter. In mere days I have seen several rattails. This is disturbing for a few reasons. 1) I have had to witness said hairstyle, thus scarring me for life. 2) None of those poor boys was older than eight, meaning that their parents either allowed or forced them to have a rattail. 3) All of these boys live in Heuchlingen.

Now, Heuchlingen is not big. It has maybe 900 residents. If I have seen this many rattails in so few days, how many more are out there? If there are this many in Heuchlingen, surely this hairstyle is an epidemic. We need to join together, across racial, ethnic, and national borders to put an end to this. If there was ever a cause for us to put aside our differences, surely this is it.

I only hope we can get to these poor children before it's too late.

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