Friday, September 28, 2007


I watched "The Life of David Gale" on DVD a little while back because they have a ton of DVDs, but since Stefan burned them all, he opted to burn them without English. So there's an option to watch it in English, but when I clicked on it, there was no sound at all. Oh, well. It's a good way to learn some German.

Anyway! So if you haven't seen the movie, it's about this dude (David Gale) and it's not giving away anything to say that he's in jail. Well, in German there are three forms of "you": you singular informal, you plural informal, and you formal singular or plural. You obviously use you formal as a sign of respect. Shopkeepers say it to customers, younger people say it to older people, older people use it with their peers when just meeting them. It's kind of like how people in the South always say "sir" and "ma'am".

Back to the movie. In the movie, Kate Winslet is interviewing him and David Gale stands up. The jailers tell him that he has to sit down, but! They use "you" formal to tell him! I thought that was highly unrealistic. I mean, I know it's Germany and people here are very polite and all, but come on. What jailer, in any country, would show the inmate that respect? I can't imagine an American jailer calling a death-row inmate "sir".

Also, I found out that there is apparently only one German voice for each big-name actor. Like, "Jerry McGuire" and "Eyes Wide Shut" would have the same person doing Tom Cruise's voice. That's awesome! I would love to have that job. Stefan told me that he watched "The Sixth Sense" in English and thought that Bruce Willis sounded stupid. Hahahahaha, awesome. (Although I really like Bruce Willis's voice!)

Tomorrow is my first German class! I'm excited for it, but not too thrilled about waking up at 7:15 AM on a weekend.

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